Constitution (2020)

I Name

  1. The Club shall be known as the Meridian Canoe Club.

II Object

  1. The Object of the Club is to promote the sport of canoeing in those forms that the membership shall from time to time decide.

III Membership

  1. The membership shall be open to anyone who wishes to participate in or is an active supporter of the sport of canoeing subject to the below.
  2. There shall be 5 categories of membership
Senior members 18 years and over.
Junior members Aged between 8 years and over but under 18 years, or under 8 years with an active responsible competent paddling parent/guardian, or responsible competent paddling adult; t who is known to the child outside of the club((eg:- step parent/grand parent or aunt/uncle. Each case will be reviewed and approved by the membership officer/committee and senior club coach/esNote that not all paddling opportunities are suitable for all younger children. Coaches/Activity leaders and the club’s committee reserve the right to decline access to some younger members whereby the Coach/Activity leader or committee decide that the activity isn’t suitable , or impose certain restrictions on any paddling activities being undertaken in the clubs name
Student members Over 18 years old and in full time education.
Associate members For persons whose permanent residence is over 50 miles from Bexleyheath (DA6 8HL) but wish to use Club facilities or attend Club trips from time to time OR are resident in London for a period of 1-4 months.  Associate Membership may also be granted (or rescinded) by the consideration of the management committee where circumstances permit.  Associate membership will hold no voting rights.

These ages to be at the time of joining.

  1. Prospective members shall make written application to the Membership Secretary of the Club on the form provided. Election to membership shall be by decision of the Management Committee who may refuse election without assigning a reason for so doing.
  2. All new members without previous paddling experience must do a Beginners Course or an existing club member who is introducing them to the club will need to accept full responsibility until a minimum standard of competence is achieved and independently verified by an active club coach. If a senior club coach believes that a new member is not of sufficient competent to meet these criteria, then the new member’s membership will be frozen until they have completed sufficient training to progress their skills.
  3. The committee will grant complimentary associate membership, to non-paddlers / persons administering club monies, and finances, on behalf of Meridian Canoe club, for the purposes of club events and activities
  4. All new members without paddling experience must do a beginners course. If an existing member is introducing them to the club , he/she will need to accept full responsibility until a minimum standard of competence is achieved and independently verified by a club coach. If a senior club coach believes that the new member/s does not meet these criteria , then the new member’s membership will be frozen until they have completed sufficient training to progress their skills.

IV Subscriptions

  1. Rates of subscription shall be fixed by the Annual General Meeting.
  2. Rates of subscription shall be reviewed bi-annually (starting 2009). The subscription for Senior, Student, Junior and Associate members will be considered at this review.
  3. Annual subscriptions shall run for 12 months from the first day of the month of election to membership and shall be due for renewal on the anniversary of that date.
  4. A fixed rate joining fee is payable on application for membership.
  5. At renewal or joining, each member is requested to commit some time to helping the club via volunteering’

V Cessation of membership

  1. Any member who violates the Club rules or constitution or who is adjudged guilty of gross misconduct may, by resolution of the Management Committee be suspended or expelled. Any member so suspended or expelled may appeal to a special general meeting where such an appeal is sponsored by no less than five members. Any member suspended or expelled may also appeal to the British Canoe Union to state their case.

VI Management Committee

  1. The Management Committee shall be responsible for the general conduct and business of the Club and shall consist of the following roles: Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Equipment Officer, Pools Session Coordinator, and Membership and Events Secretary, along with any additional officers that the meeting identifies as being required, staffed by a minimum of 5 officers all of whom shall be elected by the Annual General Meeting.
  2. The AGM may also appoint additional committee members depending on the expected activities of the club. Vice Chairpersons will be elected from the officers above by the new Management Committee at its first committee meeting.
  3. In the event of a member of the Management Committee no longer being able to perform in their function during a term of office, the Management Committee shall have the power to co-opt a replacement, and the membership of the club shall be informed of the change.  In the event that 25% of the membership object to the change within 1 month of notice then an EGM will be called to elect a new Management Committee. In the event that the new committee realise that there is a need to supplement their membership for the benefit of the club , then the committee can increase its membership providing that more than 50% of the committe’s membership supportive additional members, and the membership of the club shall be informed of the change In the event that 25%of the membership object to the change within 1 month, then an EGM will be called to elect a new management committee
  4. The Committee shall meet at least four times in the year.
  5. A quorum shall be THREE members of the Committee present and voting.
  6. The London International organisers should be at least two club officials, appointed at an AGM.  In the event of one or more not being able to attend the London International event, the Management Committee may substitute additional organisers who are able to attend the tournament (these officers are not expected to attend regular committee meetings unless the business of the specific meeting requires it)

VII General Meetings

  1. The Annual General Meeting shall be within 3 months of the end of the Club’s financial year.
  2. The Club’s accounts for the year ended on previous 31st March shall be presented to the Annual General Meeting for approval.
  3. A Special General Meeting shall be called on the instructions of a Majority of the Management Committee or on a requisition signed by not less than 5 members of the Club.
  4. Not less than fourteen days clear notice shall be given, specifying time and business of any General Meeting.
  5. At all general meetings not less than 21 members of the Club shall constitute a quorum. Proxy votes will not be counted in the quorum.
  6. If after half an hour from the time appointed for a General Meeting, a quorum is not present, the Meeting, if called by requisition of the members, shall be cancelled. In any other case the meeting shall be adjourned to a time and place determined by the Management Committee. Any such adjourned meeting shall be adjudged quorate irrespective of the number of members present half an hour after the advertised time of the commencement.
  7. The accidental omission to give notice of a meeting to, or the non-receipt of such notice by any member shall not invalidate the proceedings of that meeting.
  8. Any member may submit a proxy vote by either: –
  9. giving voting rights to another member in writing
  10. giving written voting instructions to another member
  11. All proxy votes must be registered with the Secretary 48 hours prior to the start of the meeting . Proxy votes should be held by a fully paid up member. Only one proxy vote can be held a member , but the Chairperson may hold any number of proxy votes

All proxy votes must be registered with the Secretary at the beginning of the meeting. Only one proxy vote can be held by any member.

VIII Liability

  1. The Management Committee shall manage the affairs of the Club. Financial or legal liability incurred in the rightful exercise of their office shall not however be the personal liability of the Committee but shall be the responsibility of the Club as a whole.
  2. All members or other persons who attended Club tours or Meets do so at their own risk and neither the Club nor the officers can accept any liability for loss or injury of any kind sustained while attending a Club tour or Meet.
  3. Club assets, finances and funds, may only be held and administered by Committee members and Committee authorised Club members.


IX Finance

  1. All financial dealings of the Club shall be the responsibility of the Treasurer (or Chairperson when the appointed treasurer in unavailable) , Membership and Events Secretary and Fundraising Officer who shall be accountable to the Management Committee, which may authorise specific expenditure including loans and investments.
  2. All Bank accounts and other financial systems opened in the name of the club will be single signatory solutions where possible.
  3. Signatories on the clubs bank accounts will also be able to use online and  mobile access to the clubs account to monitor payments and instigate funds transfers.
  4. A banking account (Primary) shall be opened in the name of the Club to make payments for the day to day running of the club. Four Committee members shall be authorised signatories.
  5. A bank account shall be opened in the name of the Club.  This will be used for all Major club hosted event payments/receipts.  The Signatories for this account will be the organisers of the London International as appointed at the General meetings and at least 2 committee members.
  6. A third bank account shall be opened in the name of the Club. This will be used to receipt all membership and course income, this will be managed by the Membership secretary and all income into this account will be transferred at regular intervals to the club’s Primary bank account.  Multiple Committee members shall be authorised signatories.
  7. Additional bank accounts shall be opened in the name of the Club. This will be used to receipt all pool session income, this will be managed by the Pool session coordinators and the committee and all income into these accounts will be transferred at regular intervals to the club’s Primary bank account. The pool accounts will have signatories of the pool session coordinators and committee members.
  8. The club’s committee will authorize the use of online payment systems and prepaid debit cards to facilitate the running of the club and events hosted by the club where appropriate. These decisions will only be made and recorded at formal committee meetings.
  9. An auditor to be appointed annually at the AGM to check the Club accounts at the end of each financial year, and at any other time he deems necessary during their appointment, having first given at least 14 days notice.

Much of this section has been superseded in practice , but there is no update to it from AGMs (which in theory should have happened

X Amendments to the Constitution

  1. The constitution of the Club shall not be altered, amended or rescinded except by a General Meeting of the Club.
  2. A resolution to give effect to any change must be passed by not less than two thirds of the members present and voting at a general meeting except that in any event no change to this constitution may be carried by fewer than ten votes in favour.

XI Termination

  1. The Club shall not be wound up except by a resolution of a Special General Meeting convened for that purpose. A quorum for such a Special General Meeting shall be 51% of the paid up membership. If the Club ceases to exist any surplus assets shall be handed over to a body or bodies with similar aims and objectives or to a charity or charities.

XII Power of Decision

  1. Any matter not provided for in constitution, or any question of interpretation of it shall be dealt with by the Management Committee, whose decision shall be final.

XIII Equipment loan.

The loan of club equipment is only available to full members only (Senior and Junior) for a short term weekend loan. The item to be removed in the week prior to the loan, and returned the subsequent week. This may be booked with the equipment officer or via the web site. Loans outside of this may only be granted by the committee. Such requests must be made beforehand, and in writing to the committee for its consideration