Come paddle with us!

Thinking about joining Meridian Canoe Club? If so, then you’re welcome to come along to one of our sessions. The club’s main sessions are Saturday Mornings at Danson Park and Wednesday Evenings at Crook Log Swimming Pool.

As a newcomer, you can choose from 2 options by which to attend:

  1. You can attend up to 3 sessions as a non-member either at the lake or the pool. Lake sessions are coach-led and will cost £10 per session. Pool sessions will also cost £10. Please note, pool sessions aren’t coach led, however help is never far away! Beyond these 3 sessions, you will be required to become a member of the club.
  2. Join the club as a member now (please see details below) to immediately benefit from discounted sessions, with members’ prices for lake sessions at £5 and pool sessions at £8. After attending 3 sessions as a member, if you feel that the club isn’t for you, we we will refund your membership fee.

In sum, General Pool Sessions cost £8 for members and £10 for non-members, currently running on Wednesdays from 20:10 – 21:05. Pool sessions are not bookable online and do not need to be booked in advance; you can simply turn up and pay money into an envelope on the poolside upon arrival, and someone will be around to help get you set up with a boat (you do not need to pay at reception!). 

The club is not currently running its usual set courses for new members at this time, which would normally run over a number of weeks. Instead, we are offering coach-led sessions on the lake which will be individually bookable for £5 per session, which can be booked by following this link. If you don’t wish to join the club as a member at this time, but would still like to attend a coach-led session on the lake as a non-member, then these are bookable at a cost of £10 per session by following this link

Becoming a Member

If you would like to become a member of Meridian Canoe Club then please introduce yourself by filling out our contact form or emailing then head over to our online membership system

Please note: This system manages personal details and financial information; it will open in a new tab direct with the service provider using a secure HTTPS link.

We prefer members to join and renew membership and manage their contact details via our online system, but for those who cannot access the system, a hardcopy of the membership form can be found here and paddle-sport consent form for juniors can be found here.

If using the hardcopy, please post the completed forms and appropriate payment to the membership secretary at the address on the form or pass them over to him in person at one of our sessions. Please remember to add the £10 joining fee if you are a new member, and for renewing members, if you are not a British Canoeing member, you will need to add £3 for the British Canoeing capitation (3rd party insurance and river access licence levy) to the annual subscription on renewal.

The club welcomes new members at all times and no prior experience is necessary. We have a number of qualified coaches and a strong and friendly community of existing members who are more than happy to help. Members travel from all over London, Essex, Kent and Surrey to paddle with us – our catchment is large and we welcome regardless of distance.  Meridian Canoe Club has plenty to offer experienced paddlers too. We are always looking for new members to join our slalom, polo and racing teams, or come along on our exciting river and surfing trips.

Hope to hear from you soon!