Hasler Races in 2017.

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Hasler Races in 2017.

Post by MalcolmB »

I have listed below the Hasler races (which include the Lightning Races) for the 2017 season.
Meridian Canoe Club are in the London & South East region and when competing in this region we score points for the club.

23rd April 2017, Wey Marathon, River Wey, Guildford. Wey Kayak Club
The entry forms and event information are now on the Wey Kayak Club website. http://www.weykayak.co.uk
If any club member wishes to take part then I will be planning to submit entries a few days before the closing date.
30th April 2017, Maidstone Marathon, River Medway, Maidstone, Maidstone Canoe Club.
The entry forms and event information are now on the Maidstone Canoe Club website. http://www.maidstonecanoeclub.net
If any club member wishes to take part then I will be planning to submit entries a few days before the closing date.

21st May 2017, Hastings 1066 Hasler, River Medway, Tonbridge, Hastings Canoe Club
11th June 2017, Royal Hasler Race, River Thames, Royal Canoe Club.
25th June 2017, Richmond Hasler Race, River Thames, Richmond Canoe Club.
20th August 2017, Tonbridge Hasler Race. River Medway, Tonbridge Canoe Club.
8th October 2017, Elmbridge Hasler (2018), River Thames, Elmbridge Canoe Club.

Hasler Races
The Hasler race series can be raced in any K1, K2 or C1.
The races have 9 divisions and the lower divisions (7 to 9) race between 4 to 5 miles, the middle divisions (6 to 4) race between 6 to 8 miles and the top divisions (1 to 3) race 12 miles approx.).

Lightning Races:
These are for paddlers under the age of 12 and they use the plastic lightning K1.
These races are usually about 2 miles in length.

More information about racing can be found on the Marathon Racing website: http://www.canoeracing.org.uk

If you need more information then please see me at a lake session.


This post was updated on 4th March 2017.

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