DW Support Crew 2014

Surf, Rivers, Abroad etc. All goes in here
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andy g
Posts: 575
Joined: Tue Mar 25, 2008 10:21 am

DW Support Crew 2014

Post by andy g »

Unfortunately there is no Meridian team competing this year in this, the most challenging of marathon paddling races. However there are plans for the future from at least 2 sources, so I am offering members the chance to see this event from a slightly different perspective, and prepare yourselves by learning the support crew role.

In order to keep my own skills sharp I am leading the support for an experienced Dutch crew, who are aiming for a fast time of 19 to 20 hours.

If you would like to learn about this unique event and how you can best act as useful member of a support crew then please let me know. The earlier you can join me, the more insight you will gain into the planning and preparation necessary to keep the crew on target through the 125 miles from Devizes (starting on Saturday April 19th) though to the finish at Westminster Bridge (hopefully some time on Sunday morning)

If you plan to compete yourself in the future this a chance to see the event from the other side and hopefully learn how to make your own attempt more efficient.

Have a chat with me if you in any way interested.


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